Forgiving the Unforgivable: A Never Told Story of Resilience
Episode 25
Sim Khela visionary entrepreneur in this episode of Soul to Soul Show shares his childhood traumas that he never shares publicly before, from loosing his mom when he was 2, to being beaten in school to being abused and despite old odds he raised up and become a kind, humble and successful human being. Sim is a true inspiration for anyone dealing with childhood trauma and abuse. Sim’s story, that he never shared before shows how positive attitude and resilience can overcome even the worst situations in life.
#forgivness #howtoforgive #howtolivehappylife #soultosoul #anatolyspektor #simkhela #resilience #resilienceinadversity #childhoodtrauma #childhoodtraumarecovery #childhoodtraumahealing
Meet your hosts:
Sim Khela
Entrepreneur, Blockchain Advocate
Anatoly Spektor